The Champions of Change Coalition is a globally recognised, innovative strategy for achieving gender equality, advancing more and diverse women in leadership, and building respectful and inclusive workplaces. In the strategy, men of power and influence step up beside women leaders. They form a high-profile Coalition to lead and be accountable for change on gender equality issues in their organisations and communities – be they local, national or global.
Members cover every major sector of the economy and include representatives from business, government, community, academic and not-for-profit organisations.
Formally engaging leaders, especially those with the power to drive change, is critical to address the systemic and societal issues relating to gender equality. Members recognise that gender inequality is a business, economic, social and human rights issue.
The work of the Coalition focuses on shifting the systems of gender inequality in the workplace and is backed by a proven methodology for increasing the representation of women in organisations and developing the conditions and cultures that enable them to thrive. Many of the actions developed and implemented as part of the strategy are now globally accepted standards for organisations wishing to become employers of choice for all.
The Champions of Change Coalition;
This approach is simple, practical and adaptable – but it requires commitment. Elizabeth Broderick AO is the founder and convener of the Champions of Change Coalition strategy. She continues to convene the Founding, Sport, National est. 2016 and Global Tech groups and lead the strategy which now includes over 250 male CEOs across Australia, and a number of groups in other nations.
For further information see;
In 2019, consulting firm consultant Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB&Co), headed by independent expert Elizabeth Broderick was engaged by Airservices Australia to examine and make recommendations on aspects of its culture to ensure it was a more inclusive, diverse, respectful, and safe organisation for all staff.
The findings of the review were released in the report, A Review of Culture at Airservices Australia in May 2020.
In 2022 Airservices Australia invited EB&Co to undertake a Workplace Progress Review to evaluate its progress in implementing the recommendations from the original review and to ensure it was maximising the opportunity to continue making further advances in its cultural reform journey.
The findings of the Workplace Progress Review were released in the report, Charting Cultural Transformation: A Progress Review of Airservices Cultural Reform Journey by Airservices Australia CEO Jason Harfield on 28 September 2023.
Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB&Co) was engaged by Gold Fields, to undertake an independent review to examine workplace culture with a particular focus on bullying and sexual harassment.
The EB&Co team consulted widely with 44.9% of people sharing their experiences, views, and insights via an online survey, as well as through more than 91 group listening sessions, 200 confidential individual listening sessions and 14 individual written submissions.
On 30 August 2023 Gold Fields Interim CEO, Martin Preece released the report prepared by EB&Co. The full report and media release is available here.
Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB&Co) was engaged by EY Oceania, to undertake an Independent Review of workplace culture to better understand, prevent and respond to harmful behaviours in the workplace.
A key aspect of the Review was to explore bullying, sexual harassment, racism, psychological safety, and the impact of work demands on the well-being of employees.
The EB&Co team consulted widely with more than 4,500 people sharing their experiences, views, and insights via an online survey, as well as through group listening sessions, confidential individual listening sessions and individual written submissions.
On 27 July 2023 EY Regional Managing Partner and CEO Oceania, David Larocca released the report prepared by EB&Co. You will find links to the media release and full report here.
Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB&Co) was engaged by the Parliamentary Executive Group (PEG) to undertake an Independent Review.
The aim of the Review was to ensure that all NSW Parliamentary workplaces – including Parliament House and electorate offices – are free from bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct, and are a safe place for all visitors.
The EB & Co team heard from 657 people across parliamentary workplaces, via 109 confidential individual listening sessions, 7 group listening sessions, an online survey completed by 447 people, and 58 individual written submissions. Participants in the Review included current and former MPs, current and former political staff, and current and former staff of the Department of Parliamentary Services. The review was completed with the support of the Parliamentary Advisory Group, chaired by The Hon. Leslie Williams MP.
On 12 August 2022 the Presiding Officers released the report prepared by EB & Co. The full report is available here.
Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB & Co) was engaged by Rio Tinto’s Everyday Respect Task Force, launched in March 2021, to better understand, prevent and respond to harmful behaviours in the workplace.
A key aspect of this project was to understand the prevalence of bullying, sexual harassment, and racism within the company, to understand people’s individual experiences and to determine the most appropriate and effective approaches for prevention.
The EB & Co team consulted widely with more than 10,000 people sharing their experiences, views, and insights via an online survey, as well as through more than 100 group listening sessions, 85 confidential individual listening sessions and close to 140 individual written submissions.
On 1 February 2022 Rio Tinto Chief Executive Jakob Stausholm released the report prepared by EB & Co. The full report and media release is available here.
Elizabeth Broderick & Co (EB & Co) was engaged by the NSW Police Force to examine the effectiveness of the police promotions system. A key aspect of this project was to examine whether the Police promotions system negatively impacted on female police officers’ ability to achieve leadership roles, as well as other groups of people, particularly those with caring responsibilities. The EB & Co team consulted widely with police officers across all ranks of the NSW Police Force and visited a range of both metropolitan and regional locations. A survey was also administered across the Force.
On 2 June 2019 NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller released the report prepared by EB & Co. The full report is available here.
During 2017 and 2018 Elizabeth Broderick & Co undertook an extensive and wide-ranging project on cultural reform at six of the Residential Colleges at the University of Sydney. The scope of the project was to examine the strengths of College life and to also identify those areas requiring improvement and reform.
The individual reports of five Colleges (St Andrew’s College, St John’s College, Sancta Sophia College, Wesley College and The Women’s College) were released by those Colleges on 29 November 2017. These reports can be found on the individual College websites. An overarching report capturing the major themes of the project was also released and can be found here.
The project with the sixth College, St Paul’s, began in 2018. On 14 September 2018, St Paul’s College released its report. That report can be found here.
In November 2017 Elizabeth Broderick & Co. was engaged by the University of Canberra to undertake a review of the university’s culture with respect to sexual harassment and sexual assault.
On 8 October 2018 Vice Chancellor Professor Deep Saini released the report prepared by Elizabeth Broderick and Co. The full report is available here.
Elizabeth Broderick was Special Advisor to the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka from February 2016 to October 2017. In this role, Elizabeth convened an Advisory Council of 10 CEO’s of global corporations committed to advance gender equality within their own organisations and in the world. Meeting three times a year in New York, the Advisory Council set a bold and strategic agenda for collective action and impact.
In 2017 Elizabeth Broderick & Co was contracted by James Cook University to undertake an independent and comprehensive review of the university’s sexual harassment and sexual assault policies, and the cultural environment in which those policies are implemented. The review is the second phase of a two part process.
On 22 September 2017 Vice Chancellor Professor Sandra Harding released the report prepared by Elizabeth Broderick and Co. The full report is available here.
During 2016, Elizabeth Broderick and Co worked with the Australian Federal Police to assist them to implement a significant cultural change program across the organisation. A focus of that work has been to increase women’s representation across the AFP, including in leadership positions. Elizabeth Broderick and Co’s program of work will assist the AFP to enhance its capability. The work will ensure that the organisation is well positioned to handle future challenges, and is one where men and women can thrive equally.
On 22 August 2016, the AFP Commissioner, Andrew Colvin APM OAM, released the report prepared by Elizabeth Broderick and Co. The full report is available here AFP Full Report 2016. A summary of the report is available here AFP Summary Report 2016